Characteristics of our training courses

What distinguishes our content ?

Sharing experiences: the practice of mediation and integrative negotiation as well as teaching has been our full-time core business for nearly 20 years

Tools that can be used daily, in everyone’s professional practice and not limited to the purpose of obtaining accreditation as a Mediator (PMR = Prevention, Management, Resolution)

Combining know-how with the essential development of interpersonal skills

Work by analogy: be able to transpose your knowledge (tools, techniques, …) to another framework

What distinguishes our delivery ?

  • Personalized coaching thanks to the limitation of our groups to maximum 15 people
  • Interactivity = collective enrichment through diversity
  • Active experiential learning via role plays that allow the implementation of tools
  • Tailor-made and attentive to needs: flexibility and adapted to attendees
  • Consistency and continuity of training through consistency in trainers
  • State-of-the-art techniques and tools: constant renewal of our training courses and their content through the integration of our daily practice, readings and training

Conflict Prevention Training

Preventing a conflict or a difficulty requires taking an interest in the needs of individuals and knowing how to be creative to find the right way to meet them.

Accredited mediation training

PMR is approved as a Training Centre in Civil and Commercial Mediation, a Training Centre in Labour Law Mediation, a Training Centre in Family Mediation, and a Training Centre in Mediation with Public Authorities.

Current Month

08nov(nov 8)09:30Spécialisation en médiation familiale(november 8) 09:30(GMT+01:00) Rue Dodonée 113

17mar09:3017nov17:30Formation complète en médiation : Module de Base et Spécialisation en médiation civile et commerciale09:30 - (november 17) 17:30(GMT+01:00) Rue Dodonée 113

24jun(jun 24)09:3026(jun 26)17:30Systèmes et Cercles RestauratifsFormation Continue et ouverte à TOUS09:30 - 17:30 (26)(GMT+02:00) Rue Dodonée 113

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