Workplace mediation and in-company interventions

“ I would like to take this opportunity to tell you again that I really liked the mediation training. I like mediation because currently I only use my analytical skills in my work, with mediation, there is also know-how, soft skills, human contact and the use of voice. ”

J. B.

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Specific domain

Labour law mediation combines art and science more than ever as it targets interactions that are often delicate from an identity and emotional point of view and potentially out of balance from a power perspective. In addition, the situation will more often than not be complex from a legal point of view.

Part of the course also examines the possibilities for intervening in organisations, public or private, the objective of which is to learn other tools and techniques to understand and address the systems at play and the multiplicity of personalities and roles involved.

Target audience

human resources managers, heads of teams or companies, lawyers, occupational psychologists


Detailed program on request


8 days


Theory :
Christian Préaux, Luc Godin, Shirley Minet, Vincent Chiavetta, Emma Omrani, Marco Dubois, Coralie Smets-Gary et Martine Becker

Practice :
experienced accredited mediators

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