Continuing education and supervision

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In order to maintain the accreditation as a Mediator, CFM/FBC requires, regardless of the number of accreditations received, that 18 hours of continuing education be completed in every two year cycle.

Our continuing education programs in mediation touches on knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills.

The principal objective of individual or collective supervision is to assist the mediator in creating a certain distance from which personal functioning when confronted with the conflict and the people in conflict can be better understood, to reflect on one’s own resonances, resistances, prejudices. Supervision is provided by mediator-trainers with at least 15 years’ professional experience.

To find out more about continuing education requirements  :

Continuing Professional Development topics

The themes proposed by pmr deal with the process, the psychological aspects of mediation, or on particular practical realities:

  • Process :
    • Narration phase and accountability (contribution system and timeline): 1 day.
    • The interest phase (the fundamental issues): 1 day
    • The options phase in its quantifiable and non-quantifiable aspects: 1 day
    • The negotiation phase and the offer packages  : 1 day.
    • Drafting of the agreement: 1 jour
  • Psychological aspects related to mediation: :
    • Introduction to systemics: 1 day.
    • Mental preferences identified through MBTI:1 day.
    • NLP tools (neurolinguistic programming): 2 days.
    • The 4 dimensions: a path to consciousness (1 day).
    • Non-violent communication: 2 days.
    • Emotions and Emotional Management: 1 day.
    • Mindfulness (1-day, 2-day, 8-week (MBSR) modules)
  • Specific practical aspects:
    • The Framework in Mediation: 1 day.
    • Mediation documentation: 1 day.
    • Collaboration with lawyers / counsel in mediation: 1 day.
    • Deadlocks in mediation: 1 day.
    • Intervision: 1/2day.
    • Positive discipline: 1 day.


On request. Contact us:

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